Wherever you may reside in Beta’s broad domain, there are a number of opportunities to get involved to help the Tau Sigma Housing Corporation (House Corp). The following are descriptions of key positions that need to be filled.
Please contact Larry Prohaska ([email protected]) or Darren Gauck ([email protected]) to learn more.
Lead the directors in all matters for the corporation including working with all other positions as a means of checks and balances.
Coordinating efforts with the Alumni Association and the Advising staff is also a requirement.
Treasurer (filled)
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the custody of all monies of the Corporation, and for the disbursement thereof as authorized by the Board of Directors; for seeing that accurate accounts are kept of monies received and paid out; and for preparing and issuing quarterly financial statements to the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties usual to the office.
The Secretary shall be responsible for issuing notices of all meetings of the Corporation and the Executive Committee and shall see that the minutes of such meetings are kept; shall maintain file of all correspondence of that office; shall maintain records of the terms of all Directors and shall perform such duties as are usual to the office. The Secretary shall also ensure that at least two communication pieces are constructed and disseminated to the entire alumni and undergraduate membership annually, as well as to the appropriate university and General Fraternity constituents. Following the Annual Meeting in October and the spring meeting should be considered as prime opportunities to execute this strategy.
This position was added several years ago. Laison between the directors and the active chapter for matters involving the physical plant. Organizing alumni work days and insuring that all inspections take place as scheduled.
General Notes
We do not meet in Ames nearly as much as we should these days. Monthly conference calls are needed along with a meeting every 3 months at the house. Most of our work is done via email. Directors should live within 2 hours of Ames.